Monthly Classes
Group Exercise Classes
Average MYZONE MEPS per Class
Average Calories Burnt per Class

Group Exercise Classes

We have a wide choice of group exercise classes that are a great complement to any training program. We offer a wide spectrum of classes that cover a variety of categories like HIIT, cardio, strength, dance and many more.

Class Categories

Female Fitness First members during a group dead-lift exercise


Ideal for improved athletic capacity and condition as well as improved glucose metabolism.
female fitness first member during a cross bike exercise


Aerobic workouts improve breathing capabilities and metabolism and reduce the risk of heart disease.
Weight bar squat group exercise

Strength & Conditioning

The resistance-based workout builds skeletal muscles and increases bone density.
fitness first member jumping in a martial arts class

Mixed Martial Art

Learn martial arts techniques and master the most versatile full-contact combat sport.
women in a group dance class


Increase your flexibility and motor fitness in our engaging and fun dance classes.
fitness first members during a group water exercise


Water sports prevent chronic diseases while improving your mental and physical health.
happy junior Fitness First member in workout studio


It's never too early to train the athletes of tomorrow.
Mind and body group class

Mind & Body

Enjoy a holistic approach that integrates harmony and balance using an array of methods like Yoga.
group waist workout


Experience our events that aim to motivate, support, and encourage you to stay ahead of your game.
Fitness First members walking in the desert

What Makes us Different

Our certified instructors will guide you to choose the perfect fit from over 200 classes like cardio, strength and conditioning, water-based classes, dance, mixed martial arts, and specialized classes for kids.

You can also explore internationally renowned classes like Les Mills alongside Fitness First’s exclusives like Hydro, Rush, Kube, Stick mobility, My Journey and Hot Yoga. All conducted in our state-of-the-art studios like Box, Spin, Main Group Exercise Studio and Hot Studio.

Check Out Our Classes
Our class timetable includes group exercise classes and classes for ladies taught by our specialized trainers. Each of our classes takes you on a different adventure.

Our Exclusive Classes

Developed by our experts and offered through all Fitness First clubs, every Exclusive class offers innovation and personalization to add flow and variety to your training.

Our specialized studios create a different atmosphere for each of our exclusive classes and training programs.



Gym Floor

indoor exercising studio

Main Studio

mind and body indoor studio

Mind & Body Studio

Fitness first spin room

Spin Studio

Group Exercise Experience

Success Stories

Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

Try something different. Go for the unfamiliar. Test your stamina. Good things begin outside your comfort zone. Book your class now.